Tuesday, March 2, 2010

You've Finally Done It, America.

Is this the point where we finally say "enough is enough" to reality TV and its never-ending parade of increasingly ridiculous celebrity wannabes?

Of course not. We can't get enough of it. Neither can the networks, and who can blame them? It's cheap and easy to produce - no stars to pay, no scripts to produce (theoretically), and its popularity is off the charts. Low overhead plus big advertising money means reality TV is here to stay, for better or worse.

And so we come to the next logical extension of this snowballing voyeurism: the real-life Truman show (except Truman is in on it). Watch your favorite reality stars 24 hours a day! Follow them on Twitter and Facebook! At least in this case, there's no bogus "contest" or other distractions for these fame-seeking missiles as they rocket toward their visions of stardom.

What is it with America and celebrity? Maybe after the Revolution, we missed having royalty, so we invented movie stars. In any case, people out there are making a living selling snapshots of Julia Roberts walking her dog and George Clooney eating a bagel. We trawl magazines and blogs to find out if Jay-Z and Beyonce are still together or not (they are, right? hopefully that's still a relevant reference). We act surprised when celebrities behave like entitled egomaniacs, then go right back to enabling them. Because we love them. We are they, or will be, someday...sipping from hundred-dollar bottles in the VIP section before draping our coat over our head and following our bodyguards out the back exit as TMZ hurls inane queries at us. What are we eating? Wearing? Whom are we dating? The public needs to know. They love us, they hate us, but most of all, they can't stop watching us. 24 hours a day.

...We Can Dream, anyway.

1 comment :

EC said...

Have you seen this?
