Friday, December 21, 2012

Albums of 2k12

I'm not a big fan of top ten lists and the like, so here are just some albums I've enjoyed in anno domine two thousand and twelve. There are far more albums that I haven't gotten to hear yet, so let me know what I'm missing.

Links are to Spotify. If you don't have it, well, get some. (Spotify download)

Divine Fits - A Thing Called Divine Fits

The Mountain Goats - Transcendental Youth

Alex Winston - King Con

Frank Ocean - Channel Orange

El-P - Cancer 4 Cure

Dan Deacon - America

First Aid Kit - The Lion's Roar

Perfume Genius - Put Your Back N 2 It

The xx - Coexist

Grimes - Visions

Twin Shadow - Confess

Killer Mike - R.A.P. Music

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